Now showing items 401-420 of 540

    Evaluation of compliance with the Spanish Code of self-regulation of food and drinks advertising directed at children under the age of 12 years in Spain, 2012 

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate compliance levels with the Spanish Code of self-regulation of food and drinks advertising directed at children under the age of 12 years (Publicidad, Actividad, Obesidad, Salud [PAOS] Code) in 2012; and compare these against the figures for 2008. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional...

    Exceso de peso infantil en España 2006-2012. Determinantes y error de percepción parental 

    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Due to the high prevalence of childhood obesity in Spain, we analyzed changes in its prevalence from 2006 to 2007 and from 2011 to 2012, as well as diet, sleep, and sedentary habits in 5- to 14-year-olds and parental misperceptions about their children's excess weight. ...

    La publicidad alimentaria dirigida al público infantil 

    Los niños y las niñas de todo el mundo están continuamente expuestos a la publicidad masiva de alimentos y bebidas no saludables, caracterizados por la carencia de nutrientes esenciales presentes de forma natural en los mismos y su alto contenido en calorías, grasas de mala calidad, azúcares y sal1...

    Adherencia a las recomendaciones nutricionales en máquinas expendedoras en centros de enseñanza secundaria de Madrid (España), 2014-2015 

    OBJECTIVE: To describe the nutritional content of products offered in food and drink vending machines at secondary schools in the Madrid Autonomous Community (Spain), and to evaluate these items' adherence to the nutritional recommendations of the National Health System Consensus Document on School...

    Mapa de las políticas nutricionales escolares en España 

    Objetivo: Describir de forma sistemática las políticas nutricionales escolares de las 17 comunidades autónomas de España. Método: Mediante una búsqueda en bases de datos bibliográficas, páginas web y otros sistemas de información oficiales se localizaron 183 documentos de interés. La información s...

    Políticas alimentarias para prevenir la obesidad y las principales enfermedades no transmisibles en España: querer es poder 

    INTRODUCTION: In Spain, one third of all children and two-thirds of adults suffer from excess weight, a condition that generates a direct excess medical cost of 2000 million Euros. Obesogenic food environments cause obesity by promoting the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-process...

    Marketing techniques in television advertisements of food and drinks directed at children in Spain, 2012 

    OBJECTIVES: To analyse marketing techniques used in television advertisements of food and drinks (AFDs) directed to children, and their nutritional quality. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of television AFDs directed to children in Spain over 7 days in 2012. Primary appeal, persuasive and ...

    Evaluación de la publicidad alimentaria del canal de televisión infantil Boing en España en 2016 

    Introducción: dada la relación entre el marketing de alimentos poco saludables y la obesidad infantil, el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el uso de técnicas de marketing (persuasivo y nutricional), su nivel de cumplimiento del nuevo Código PAOS y el perfil nutricional de los alimentos y bebid...

    Perfil nutricional y contenido de azúcares de los preparados lácteos para niños pequeños disponibles en los supermercados 

    Objetivos: analizar el perfil nutricional, el contenido de azúcares libres y la presencia de alegaciones de salud o avales científico-sanitarios de las fórmulas lácteas de crecimiento para niños de uno a tres años. El perfil nutricional se comparará con el de la leche entera de vaca. Material y mé...

    Consumo de medicamentos en los ancianos: resultados de un estudio poblacional 

    BACKGROUND: To evaluate the magnitude, nature and chronicity of the use of medications on the part of non-institutionalized elderly individuals as well as the complexity of their treatment routine. METHOD: Cross-section study through door-to-door survey of all individuals age 65 or above. Municipal...

    Marco legislativo y estrategia de la industria tabaquera en relación a la publicidad del tabaco en España 

    Publicity is legally regulated in Spain, in order to avoid its misuse. Tobacco publicity is also under those regulation, having had the companies operating in this sector to adapt themselves through new strategies. In this work, the legal restrictions existing in Spain regarding publicity are analy...

    La clasificación internacional del funcionamiento, de la discapacidad y de la salud (cif) 2001 

    The approach which had been being employed to date for dealing with and classifying those aspects related to health and disability have been revised and updated thanks to the World Health Organization (WHO) having drafted the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, which...

    Estudio prospectivo sobre el impacto de un servicio de atención farmacéutica comunitaria en personas asmáticas 

    BACKGROUND: At present, there are a lot of drugs for the therapeutic approach of all the severity levels of asthma in developed countries. However, there are big difficulties in the correct use of inhalation devices, and usually there are drug related problems causing poorly controlled asthma. The ...

    Estudio bibliométrico de los artículos originales de la Revista Española de Salud Pública (1991-2000). Parte tercera: análisis de las referencias bibliográficas 

    BACKGROUND: The advancement of knowledge is based on the results of previously conducted research studies, which are reflected in the reference sources listed in a scientific article. This study is aimed at studying the scientific information used in the Revista Española de Salud Pública based on t...

    Relación en España entre la investigación sanitaria financiada por el Sistema Nacional de Salud y la carga de enfermedad en la comunidad 

    BACKGROUND: The Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Spain) allocates funding to health research support in the Spanish National Health System (NHS). This study aimed to analyse the correlation of health research fund allocations in the NHS and the burden of disease in Spani...

    Comentarios del Comité Español Interdisciplinario de Prevención Cardiovascular (CEIPC) a las guías europeas de prevención cardiovascular 2012 

    Based on the two main frameworks for evaluating scientific evidence--SEC and GRADE--European cardiovascular prevention guidelines recommend interventions across all life stages using a combination of population-based and high-risk strategies with diet as the cornerstone of prevention. The evaluatio...

    Los estudios epidemiológicos sobre la poliomielitis en España antes de la vacunación 

    The eradication of polio in Spain is one of the most important health milestones of the twentieth century, not only for public health but also for the effect it had on scientific knowledge in our country, in the medical field. Knowledge of international literature by our epidemiologists and virolog...

    Presencia de máquinas expendedoras de alimentos y bebidas y perfil nutricional de sus productos en los institutos de enseñanza secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2014-2015. 

    BACKGROUND: Policies restricting access to sugary drinks and unhealthy foods in the school environment are associated with healthier consumption patterns. In 2010, Spain approved a Consensus Document regarding Food at Schools with nutritional criteria to improve the nutritional profile of foods and...

    Métodos indirectos para la estimación de poblaciones ocultas 

    Estimating the prevalence of the so-called "hidden populations" can be challenging, because the identification of its members is difficult due to their socially sanctionable or illegal behaviors. This article provides a critical review of the most widely used methods for estimating the size of a ha...

    Hyperosmolar therapy for acute brain injury: study protocol for an umbrella review of meta-analyses and an evidence mapping 

    INTRODUCTION: Acute brain injury is a challenging public health problem worldwide. Elevated intracranial pressure is a common complication after acute brain injury. Hyperosmolar therapy is one of the main therapeutic strategies for the management of intracranial hypertension. This study protocol ou...