Mostrando ítems 381-400 de 540

    Frequency of family meals and childhood overweight: a systematic review 

    Energy balance is influenced by understudied genetic, social and other environmental factors. The frequency of family meals (FFM) may be one of these factors since it is associated with a healthier dietary pattern in children and adolescents. The objective of this review is to evaluate the scientif...

    Epidemiología y prevención de la obesidad infantil en España 

    En torno a un tercio de los menores padecen exceso de peso en España. Las causas últimas de esta epidemia son las dietas con alta densidad energética, el sedentarismo y la falta de actividad física. Pero detrás de estos hábitos poco saludables hay un entramado complejo multifactorial caracterizado ...

    Posicionamiento del Comité Español Interdisciplinario de Prevención Cardiovascular y la Sociedad Española de Cardiología en el tratamiento de las dislipemias. Divergencia entre las guías europea y estadounidense 

    The publication of the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines on the treatment of high blood cholesterol has had a strong impact due to the paradigm shift in its recommendations. The Spanish Interdisciplinary Committee for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the...

    Evaluation of food and beverage television advertising during children's viewing time in Spain using the UK nutrient profile model 

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the nutritional quality of products advertised on television (TV) during children’s viewing time in Spain, applying the UK nutrient profile model (UKNPM). DESIGN: We recorded 80 h of four general TV station broadcasts during children’s time in May and June 2008, and identifie...

    Food sources of nutrients in the diet of Spanish children: the Four Provinces Study 

    The aim of the present study was to assess the principal food sources of energy and nutrients among Spanish children. We used a cross-sectional study design, based on results obtained from a food-frequency questionnaire. The sample included 1112 children, aged 6-7 years, from Cadiz, Madrid, Orense ...

    Consumption of bakery products, sweetened soft drinks and yogurt among children aged 6-7 years: association with nutrient intake and overall diet quality 

    The present study tests the hypothesis that higher consumption of bakery products, sweetened soft drinks and yogurt is associated with higher intake of energy, saturated fats, sugars and worse overall diet quality among Spanish children. This is a cross-sectional study covering 1112 children aged 6...

    Saturated fat in the diet of Spanish children: relationship with anthropometric, alimentary, nutritional and lipid profiles 

    OBJECTIVE: To compare the anthropometric, alimentary, nutritional and lipid profiles and global diet quality of Spanish children according to saturated fat intake. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study. Food data were collected using a food-frequency questionnaire. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The samp...

    Compliance with self-regulation of television food and beverage advertising aimed at children in Spain 

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the level of compliance with the PAOS Code (Publicidad, Actividad, Obesidad y Salud), which establishes standards for the self-regulation of food marketing aimed at minors, in television advertising by food and beverage companies that have agreed to abide by the Code. DESIGN:...

    Guía Europea de Prevención Cardiovascular en la Práctica Clínica. Adaptación Española del CEIPC 2008. 

    We present the Spanish adaptation from the CEIPC of the European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice 2008. This guide recommends the SCORE model for risk evaluation. The aim is to prevent premature mortality and morbidity due to CVD by means of dealing with its rela...

    El estado de la prevención cardiovascular en España 

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In Spain, where cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death, control of their risk factors is low. This study analyzes the implementation of cardiovascular risk (CVR) assessment in clinical practice and the existence of control objectives amongst quality care in...

    The extent and nature of food advertising to children on Spanish television in 2012 using an international food-based coding system and the UK nutrient profiling model 

    OBJECTIVE: To examine the extent and nature of food television advertising directed at children in Spain using an international food-based system and the United Kingdom nutrient profile model (UKNPM). STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of advertisements of food and drinks shown on five television ...

    Ethical Evaluation of a Proposed Statutory Regulation of Food Advertising Targeted at Minors in Spain 

    Food advertising targeted at children is associated with the development of unhealthy eating habits and childhood obesity. In Spain, where one in every three children suffers from overweight, a voluntary regulation mechanism has been adopted to control such advertising, despite evidence of its inef...

    Publicidad alimentaria y salud. Estado de la situación en España 

    [ES] Los niños presentan dificultades para identificar la publicidad y reconocer su objetivo comercial e intención persuasiva. Los anuncios de alimentos y bebidas altamente energéticos y pobres en nutrientes influyen en las preferencias, las peticiones de compra y los hábitos alimentarios de los ni...

    La publicidad alimentaria dirigida a menores en España 

    [ES] La publicidad alimentaria de productos altamente energéticos y pobres en nutrientes influye en las preferencias, las peticiones de compra y los hábitos alimentarios de los menores, contribuyendo a la epidemia de obesidad y la aparición precoz de factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónicas. La ...

    Semáforo nutricional: conocimiento, percepción y utilización entre los consumidores de Madrid, España 

    Introducción: Describir el grado de conocimiento, comprensión, percepción y utilización del semáforo nutricional entre los consumidores madrileños. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en dos fases en el año 2012. Se reclutaron consumidores madrileños de forma aleatoria en zonas de ...

    La duración de la incapacidad laboral y sus factores asociados 

    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the mean length of temporary work disability (TD) and to assess some of its possible determinants. METHODS: During 1995, we registered 12,570 cases of TD among people from the Inspection Area of Alcala of Henares. We obtained a random sample of 600 cases. In addition to TD le...

    Evaluation of compliance with the self-regulation agreement of the food and drink vending machine sector in primary schools in Madrid, Spain, in 2008 

    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate compliance with the self-regulation agreement of the food and drink vending machine sector in primary schools in Madrid, Spain. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of vending machines in 558 primary schools in 2008. Using the directory of all registered primary ...

    Menú escolar de los centros de enseñanza secundaria de Madrid: conocimiento ycumplimiento de las recomendaciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud 

    OBJECTIVE: To establish the degree of knowledge and adherence to the Spanish National Health System recommendations on nutrition in schools in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of a random sample of 182 secondary schools from Madrid, during 2013-2014 school year. In...

    Nutrition and health claims in products directed at children via television in Spain in 2012 

    OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of nutrition and health claims in products directed at children via television in Spain and to analyse their nutrient profile. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of television food advertisements over 7 days in five Spanish television channels popular among children. Th...

    Adaptación española de las guías europeas de 2016 sobre prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular en la práctica clínica 

    The VI European Guidelines for Cardiovascular Prevention recommend combining population and high-risk strategies with lifestyle changes as a cornerstone of prevention, and propose the SCORE function to quantify cardiovascular risk. The guidelines highlight disease specific interventions, and condit...