REPISALUD is the institutional repository of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and its foundations: the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). This repository gathers both scientific and academic production of these institutions in a single, open-access digital archive.

Institutional reports and studies from ISCIII about COVID-19

Early diagnosis of HIV in Primary Care in Spain. Results of a pilot study based on targeted screening based on indicator conditions, behavioral criteria and region of origin 

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of HIV infection in patients diagnosed with an indicator condition (IC) for HIV and/or risk behavior for their acquisition and/or coming from high prevalence countries. To determine the acceptability and feasibility of offering HIV testing based on IC and beha...

Sirtuin 3 silencing improves oxaliplatin efficacy through acetylation of MnSOD in colon cancer 

Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) is the major mitochondria deacetylase and regulates ROS levels by targeting several key proteins, such as those involved in mitochondrial function and antioxidant defenses. This way, SIRT3 balances ROS production and scavenging and promotes cell survival. The aim of this study was...

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