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dc.contributor.authorNieto-Diaz, Manuel
dc.contributor.authorEsteban, Francisco J
dc.contributor.authorReigada, David
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz-Galdeano, Teresa
dc.contributor.authorYunta, Mónica
dc.contributor.authorCaballero-López, Marcos
dc.contributor.authorNavarro-Ruiz, Rosa
dc.contributor.authorDel Águila, Angela
dc.contributor.authorMaza, Rodrigo M
dc.identifier.citationFront Cell Neurosci. 2014 Feb 25;8:53.es_ES
dc.description.abstractTrauma to the spinal cord causes permanent disability to more than 180,000 people every year worldwide. The initial mechanical damage triggers a complex set of secondary events involving the neural, vascular, and immune systems that largely determine the functional outcome of the spinal cord injury (SCI). Cellular and biochemical mechanisms responsible for this secondary injury largely depend on activation and inactivation of specific gene programs. Recent studies indicate that microRNAs function as gene expression switches in key processes of the SCI. Microarray data from rodent contusion models reveal that SCI induces changes in the global microRNA expression patterns. Variations in microRNA abundance largely result from alterations in the expression of the cells at the damaged spinal cord. However, microRNA expression levels after SCI are also influenced by the infiltration of immune cells to the injury site and the death and migration of specific neural cells after injury. Evidences on the role of microRNAs in the SCI pathophysiology have come from different sources. Bioinformatic analysis of microarray data has been used to identify specific variations in microRNA expression underlying transcriptional changes in target genes, which are involved in key processes in the SCI. Direct evidences on the role of microRNAs in SCI are scarcer, although recent studies have identified several microRNAs (miR-21, miR-486, miR-20) involved in key mechanisms of the SCI such as cell death or astrogliosis, among others. From a clinical perspective, different evidences make clear that microRNAs can be potent therapeutic tools to manipulate cell state and molecular processes in order to enhance functional recovery. The present article reviews the actual knowledge on how injury affects microRNA expression and the meaning of these changes in the SCI pathophysiology, to finally explore the clinical potential of microRNAs in the SCI.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipWe would like to thank Dr. Tommaso Pizzorusso for the invitation to contribute to the present volume, and to two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments. Present contribution has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MINECO), PI 12/28282. Rosa Navarro-Ruiz is funded by FISCAM (grant PI 2010/19) and Ángela del Águila by La Marato de TV3 foundation (grant exp.112131).es_ES
dc.publisherFrontiers Media es_ES
dc.subjectCell deathes_ES
dc.subjectNervous systemes_ES
dc.subjectSpinal cord injuryes_ES
dc.titleMicroRNA dysregulation in spinal cord injury: causes, consequences and therapeuticses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.licenseAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.contributor.funderInstituto de Salud Carlos III 
dc.contributor.funderFundación La Marató TV3 
dc.identifier.journalFrontiers in cellular neurosciencees_ES
dc.repisalud.centroISCIII::Unidad Funcional de Investigación de Enfermedades Crónicas (UFIEC)es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu_repo/grantAgreement/ES/PI 12/28282es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu_repo/grantAgreement/ES/PI 2010/19es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu_repo/grantAgreement/ES/grant exp.112131es_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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