El Centro Nacional de Sanidad Ambiental (CNSA) es el órgano científico-técnico del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, especializado en los aspectos sanitarios de los problemas derivados de la contaminación medioambiental. Su finalidad primordial es la caracterización del riesgo potencial ante contaminantes ambientales a los que está expuesta la población. Fue creado mediante Decreto 252/1974, de 25 de enero y posteriormente, adscrito al Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ley 14/1986). Sus laboratorios cuentan con una extensión de más de 3 000 m2, dotados con instrumentación de última tecnología. Funciona bajo un sistema de calidad UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 y está acreditado por la Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) para 186 ensayos, distribuidos en las distintas unidades funcionales: Contaminación Atmosférica, Contaminación Hídrica y Microbiología Ambiental, Toxicología Ambiental y Radioprotección.

Envíos recientes

New approach methods to assess developmental and adult neurotoxicity for regulatory use: a PARC work package 5 project 

In the European regulatory context, rodent in vivo studies are the predominant source of neurotoxicity information. Although they form a cornerstone of neurotoxicological assessments, they are costly and the topic of ethical debate. While the public expects chemicals and products to be safe for the...

Phthalates and substitute plasticizers: Main achievements from the European human biomonitoring initiative HBM4EU 

Phthalates and the substitute plasticizer DINCH belong to the first group of priority substances investigated by the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) to answer policy-relevant questions and safeguard an efficient science-to-policy transfer of results. Human internal exposure levels ...

La Comisión Interministerial de Biomonitorización Humana en España: un reto hecho realidad 

La Comisión Interministerial de Biomonitorización Humana (CIBMH) emana del Plan Estratégico de Salud y Medio Ambiente (PESMA), como una herramienta para la implementación de la biomonitorización humana (BMH) a nivel nacional, asegurando su integración con las estrategias europeas. La BMH tiene como...

El Proyecto H2020 URBANOME: Calidad del Aire, Salud y Participación Ciudadana 

La intervención “Rutas Escolares Saludables” es el resultado de los procesos de co-creación y prototipado llevados a cabo en el Laboratorio ciudadano URBANMADLAB, creado en el marco del proyecto europeo H2020 URBANOME. El objetivo principal de la intervención es el de promover una mejora de la cali...

Background levels and brain organoid impact of RF field exposure in a healthcare environment 

Introduction: This study is an introduction to the empirical and impact evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation exposure in a healthcare environment, focusing on an indoor microenvironment. It explores the expression of various genes associated with cellular responses,...

Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on human neural stem cells 

Nanoplastics (NPs) have been found in many ecological environments (aquatic, terrestrial, air). Currently, there is great concern about the exposition and impact on animal health, including humans, because of the effects of ingestion and accumulation of these nanomaterials (NMs) in aquatic organism...

Elucidating Best Geospatial Estimation Method Applied to Environmental Sciences 

The aim of this study is to assess and identify the most suitable geospatial interpolation algorithm for environmental sciences. The research focuses on evaluating six different interpolation methods using annual average PM10 concentrations as a reference dataset. The dataset includes measurements ...

DNA damage and molecular level effects induced by polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) after Chironomus riparius (Diptera) larvae 

In this work, we analyzed the early molecular effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) on an aquatic primary consumer (larvae of Chironomus riparius, Diptera) to evaluate their potential DNA damage and the transcriptional response of different genes related to cellular and oxidative stress, e...

The Danish contribution to the European DEMOCOPHES project: A description of cadmium, cotinine and mercury levels in Danish mother-child pairs and the perspectives of supplementary sampling and measurements 

Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an important tool, increasingly used for measuring true levels of the body burdens of environmental chemicals in the general population. In Europe, a harmonized HBM program was needed to open the possibility to compare levels across borders. To explore the prospect of a...

The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results 

COPHES/DEMOCOPHES has its origins in the European Environment and Health Action Plan of 2004 to "develop a coherent approach on human biomonitoring (HBM) in Europe". Within this twin-project it was targeted to collect specimens from 120 mother-child-pairs in each of the 17 participating European co...

Mercury, lead and cadmium levels in the urine of 170 Spanish adults: a pilot human biomonitoring study 

Human biomonitoring is a well-recognized tool for estimating the exposure of human populations to environmental pollutants. However, information regarding biomarker concentrations of many environmental chemicals in the general population is limited for many countries. The Spanish Environment Minist...

Selecting the best non-invasive matrix to measure mercury exposure in human biomonitoring surveys 

Exposure to mercury, even at low doses, can affect human health, well-being and life quality at a broad scale. Human biomonitoring is the most straightforward approach to measure and quantify mercury exposure in humans. The objective of the present study is to compare and discuss the relationships ...