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dc.contributor.authorRamis, Rebeca 
dc.contributor.authorGomez-Barroso, Diana 
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Abente, Gonzalo
dc.identifier.citationGeospat Health. 2014; 8(2):517-26.es_ES
dc.description.abstractCluster detection has become an important part of the agenda of epidemiologists and public health authorities, the identification of high- and low-risk areas is fundamental in the definition of public health strategies and in the suggestion of potential risks factors. Currently, there are different cluster detection techniques available, the most popular being those using windows to scan the areas within the studied region. However, when these areas are heterogeneous in populations' sizes, scan window methods can lead to inaccurate conclusions. In order to perform cluster detection over heterogeneously populated areas, we developed a method not based on scanning windows but instead on standard mortality ratios (SMR) using irregular spatial aggregation (ISA). Its extension, i.e. irregular spatial aggregation with covariates (ISAC), includes covariates with residuals from Poisson regression. We compared the performance of the method with the flexible shaped spatial scan statistic (FlexScan) using mortality data for stomach and bladder cancer for 8,098 Spanish towns. The results show a collection of clusters for stomach and bladder cancer similar to that detected by ISA and FlexScan. However, in general, clusters detected by FlexScan were bigger and include towns with SMR, which were not statistically significant. For bladder cancer, clusters detected by ISAC differed from those detected by ISA and FlexScan in shape and location. The ISA and ISAC methods could be an alternative to the traditional scan window methods for cluster detection over aggregated data when the areas under study are heterogeneous in terms of population. The simplicity and flexibility of the methods make them more attractive than methods based on more complicated algorithms.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was funded by Spain’s Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - FIS) Grant PI11/00871.es_ES
dc.publisherInternational Society of Geospatial Health (GnosisGIS) es_ES
dc.subjectCluster detectiones_ES
dc.subjectIrregular shaped clusterses_ES
dc.subjectStandard mortality ratioses_ES
dc.subject.meshAdolescent es_ES
dc.subject.meshAdult es_ES
dc.subject.meshAge Factors es_ES
dc.subject.meshAged es_ES
dc.subject.meshAged, 80 and over es_ES
dc.subject.meshCluster Analysis es_ES
dc.subject.meshFemale es_ES
dc.subject.meshHumans es_ES
dc.subject.meshMale es_ES
dc.subject.meshMiddle Aged es_ES
dc.subject.meshMortality es_ES
dc.subject.meshPoisson Distribution es_ES
dc.subject.meshPopulation Surveillance es_ES
dc.subject.meshRisk Factors es_ES
dc.subject.meshSex Factors es_ES
dc.subject.meshSpain es_ES
dc.subject.meshStomach Neoplasms es_ES
dc.subject.meshUrinary Bladder Neoplasms es_ES
dc.subject.meshYoung Adult es_ES
dc.titleCluster detection of diseases in heterogeneous populations: an alternative to scan methodses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*
dc.contributor.funderInstituto de Salud Carlos III 
dc.identifier.journalGeospatial healthes_ES
dc.repisalud.centroISCIII::Centro Nacional de Epidemiologíaes_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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