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dc.contributor.authorFlores-Mateo, Gemma
dc.contributor.authorElosua, Roberto
dc.contributor.authorRodriguez-Blanco, Teresa
dc.contributor.authorBasora-Gallisa, Josep
dc.contributor.authorBullo, Monica
dc.contributor.authorSalas-Salvado, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorAngel Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel
dc.contributor.authorEstruch, Ramon
dc.contributor.authorCorella, Dolores
dc.contributor.authorFito, Montserrat
dc.contributor.authorFiol Sala, MiquelAutor/a del sistema sanitario público de las Islas Baleares Orcid
dc.contributor.authorAros, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorGomez-Gracia, Enrique
dc.contributor.authorSubirana, Isaac
dc.contributor.authorLapetra, Jose
dc.contributor.authorRuiz-Gutierrez, Valentina
dc.contributor.authorSaez, Guillermo T.
dc.contributor.authorCovas, Maria-Isabel
dc.contributor.authorPREDIMED Study Investigators
dc.identifier.citationFlores-Mateo G, Elosua R, Rodriguez-Blanco T, Basora-Gallisa J, Bullo M, Salas-Salvado J, et al. Oxidative Stress Is Associated with an Increased Antioxidant Defense in Elderly Subjects: A Multilevel Approach. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 30;9(9):e105881.en
dc.description.abstractBackground: Studies of associations between plasma GSH-Px activity and cardiovascular risk factors have been done in humans, and contradictory results have been reported. The aim of our study was to assess the association between the scavenger antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in plasma and the presence of novel and classical cardiovascular risk factors in elderly patients. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study with baseline data from a subsample of the PREDIMED (PREvencion con DIeta MEDiterranea) study in Spain. Participants were 1,060 asymptomatic subjects at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), aged 55 to 80, selected from 8 primary health care centers (PHCCs). We assessed classical CVD risk factors, plasma oxidized low-density lipoproteins (ox-LDL), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) using multilevel statistical procedures. Results: Mean GSH-Px value was 612 U/L (SE: 12 U/L), with variation between PHCCs ranging from 549 to 674 U/L (Variance = 1013.5; P < 0.001). Between-participants variability within a PHCC accounted for 89% of the total variation. Both glucose and oxidized LDL were positively associated with GSH-Px activity after adjustment for possible confounder variables (P = 0.03 and P = 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: In a population at high cardiovascular risk, a positive linear association was observed between plasma GSH-Px activity and both glucose and ox-LDL levels. The high GSH-Px activity observed when an oxidative stress situation occurred, such as hyperglycemia and lipid oxidative damage, could be interpreted as a healthy defensive response against oxidative injury in our cardiovascular risk population.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Networks G03/140, RD06/0045 and by the research grants PI040233, PI070240 and Miguel Servet SNS Contract CP06/00100 of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III). The CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutrition and the CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, and the European Union (FEDER). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.es_ES
dc.publisherPublic Library of Science (PLOS) en
dc.subject.meshAntioxidants *
dc.subject.meshAged, 80 and over *
dc.subject.meshOxidative Stress *
dc.subject.meshAged *
dc.subject.meshMale *
dc.subject.meshMultivariate Analysis *
dc.subject.meshFemale *
dc.subject.meshGlutathione Peroxidase *
dc.subject.meshHumans *
dc.subject.meshRegression Analysis *
dc.subject.meshMiddle Aged *
dc.subject.meshCross-Sectional Studies *
dc.titleOxidative Stress Is Associated with an Increased Antioxidant Defense in Elderly Subjects: A Multilevel Approachen
dc.typeresearch articleen
dc.rights.licenseAttribution 3.0 Unported*
dc.identifier.journalPloS Onees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessen
dc.subject.decsEstudios Transversales*
dc.subject.decsPersona de Mediana Edad*
dc.subject.decsAnciano de 80 o más Años*
dc.subject.decsAnálisis Multivariante*
dc.subject.decsEstrés Oxidativo*
dc.subject.decsGlutatión Peroxidasa*
dc.subject.decsAnálisis de Regresión*

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