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dc.contributor.authorPerez, Gloria
dc.contributor.authorRodriguez-Sanz, Maica
dc.contributor.authorDominguez-Berjon, Felicitas
dc.contributor.authorCabeza Irigoyen, Elena
dc.contributor.authorBorrell, Carme
dc.identifier.citationPerez G, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Dominguez-Berjon F, Cabeza E, Borrell C. Indicadores para monitorizar la evolucion de la crisis economica y sus efectos en la salud y en las desigualdades en salud. Informe SESPAS 2014.. Gac Sanit. 2014;28 Suppl 1:124-31.en
dc.description.abstractThe economic crisis has adverse effects on determinants of health and health inequalities. The aim of this article was to present a set of indicators of health and its determinants to monitor the effects of the crisis in Spain. On the basis of the conceptual framework proposed by the Commission for the Reduction of Social Health Inequalities in Spain, we searched for indicators of social, economic, and political (structural and intermediate) determinants of health, as well as for health indicators, bearing in mind the axes of social inequality (gender, age, socioeconomic status, and country of origin). The indicators were mainly obtained from official data sources published on the internet. The selected indicators are periodically updated and are comparable over time and among territories (among autonomous communities and in some cases among European Union countries), and are available for age groups, gender, socio-economic status, and country of origin. However, many of these indicators are not sufficiently reactive to rapid change, which occurs in the economic crisis, and consequently require monitoring over time. Another limitation is the lack of availability of indicators for the various axes of social inequality. In conclusion, the proposed indicators allow for progress in monitoring the effects of the economic crisis on health and health inequalities in Spain.en
dc.subjectDeterminantes sociales de la salud
dc.subjectEconomic recession
dc.subjectHealth status indicators
dc.subjectIndicadores de estado de salud
dc.subjectPublic health surveillance
dc.subjectRecesion economica
dc.subjectSocial determinants of health
dc.subjectVigilancia de la salud publica
dc.subject.meshSpain *
dc.subject.meshHealth Status Indicators *
dc.subject.meshHumans *
dc.subject.meshSocioeconomic Factors *
dc.subject.meshHealth Status Disparities *
dc.titleIndicadores para monitorizar la evolucion de la crisis economica y sus efectos en la salud y en las desigualdades en salud. Informe SESPAS 2014.en
dc.typeresearch articleen
dc.rights.licenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.identifier.journalGaceta Sanitariaes_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessen
dc.subject.decsDisparidades en el Estado de Salud*
dc.subject.decsIndicadores de Salud*
dc.subject.decsFactores Socioeconómicos*

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