Rabies in Spain. A Peculiarity in Eurasia

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Spain accounts for some natural and political features which have influenced the situation of rabies, making it peculiar in the context of Europe. Dog rabies was eradicated from Spain in 1965 and the European vulpine epizootic was stopped by the French Oral Rabies Vaccination programs (ORVs) and it never crossed the Pyrenees this fact implying the first peculiarity. The possibility of the movement of infected animals from endemic territories in North Africa into the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla by land, causing imported cases regularly is another peculiarity of rabies in Spain. Indeed, the existence of an intense maritime traffic from these endemic territories into the Spanish mainland is another peculiar feature which constitutes a permanent high risk for rabies introduction in Spain. European bat lyssavirus 1 is the most frequently lyssavirus found infecting bats in Spain, as occurs in most European countries. Eptesicus serotinus accounts for more than the 95% of infected bats declared in Europe and are considered the natural reservoir of EBLV-1. However, in the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula, E. serotinus is replaced by the sibling specie Eptesicus isabellinus, which has been found frequently infected by EBLV-1. E. isabellinus is present also in the other side of the Gibraltar Strait along a Mediterranean strip in Northern Africa. This constitutes another peculiarity of rabies in Spain. Finally, a new putative lyssavirus called Lleida Bat Lyssavirus (LLEBV) has been reported from a Miniopterus scheibersii bat from Catalonia. It still remains as another peculiarity of rabies in Spain.
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Ann Virol Res. 2017, 3(2): 1030.
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