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Investigación sobre el confort térmico en taquillas, en aparcamientos de superficie, en Lisboa
Date issued
Med Segur Trab 2011; Vol.57 Nº 225;272-293
Document type
research article
[ES] A pesar de que esta área de conocimiento es incipiente en Portugal, la definición de las condiciones de confort térmico en la actualidad es un tema en desarrollo en la comunidad internacional. Hoy en día es considerado crítico para el bienestar, la salud y la productividad de las personas ocupantes de los edificios. Este estudio partió de la formulación de una hipótesis en la que el modelo de pronóstico de confort térmico era aplicable a la evaluación de confort térmico, en el puesto de trabajo de cajero, en aparcamientos de superficie, administrados por una empresa municipal de la ciudad de Lisboa o si, por otro lado, el modelo de análisis subjetiva es el más adecuado para la evaluación en espacios ya ocupados. Por otro lado, evaluar si existen diferencias significativas en la aplicación de los modelos en los periodos de verano e invierno, así como evaluar eventuales correlaciones de las distintas variables en estudio. Apoyados en una revisión bibliográfica, desarrollamos un cuestionario para evaluación subjetiva del confort térmico y de apoyo a las variables del modelo de pronóstico de confort, así como una ficha de observación para recogida de variables arquitectónicas y de instalaciones técnicas especiales. Esta investigación se desarrolló en dos estudios de campo, entre 2009 y 2010, y fue aplicada a cincuenta y tres trabajadores (la totalidad de la muestra), en once parques (los mismos en dos estaciones distintas: verano e invierno), donde se efectuaron recogidas de las variables ambientales de forma continua, englobando así la totalidad de los turnos existentes.[EN] At the present moment the definition of thermic comfort conditions is a developing theme in the international community, although this area of knowledge is incipient in Portugal. Nowadays, this topic is considered critical to the welfare, health and productivity of occupants of buildings. This study was based on the hypothesis that a model of thermic comfort could be applied to the job of clerk in a car park in Lisbon or if the model of subjective analysis would be more suitable for areas already occupied. On the other hand, we aimed to assess whether there are significant differences in the application of both models during summer and winter, as well as analyze possible correlations between a number a variables. Based on a bibliographic reviews, we created a questionnaire for subjective evaluation of thermic comfort and support for variables in the prediction model of comfort. We also developed an observation form to collect variable architectural characteristics and special technical facilities. The research was conducted during two field campaigns between 2009 and 2010. It was applied to fifty-three workers (whole sample) in eleven parks (the same in two different seasons: summer and winter). We made collections of environmental variables continuously, covering all the working shifts. The results validate the prediction model of comfort but with low correlation, especially in winter. We concluded the subjective rating scales provide reliable and comparable data on the subjective aspects of thermic comfort. After analyzing the data, we observed that there is acceptability and tolerance from the workers, regarding the thermic environment of their workplace. On the other hand, there are the ones whoare unsatisfied by the prediction model of comfort which shows a thermic environment unsuitable to their activities. The results of the environmental variables were not within the legal values. This happened with temperature and humidity values such as the correlation between variables of operative temperature, radiant temperature and average outside temperature. The prediction model of comfort should be used with caution, particularly in the winter period, if applied with the conditions described in our study. We recommend using the subjective method to assess thermic comfort, as defined in ISO 10551 (2001) 1, in similar workplaces with few employees.
Confort térmico | Evaluación Subjetiva | Aparcamientos | Thermic comfort | PMV | Subjective evaluation | Car parks
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