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dc.contributor.authorD'Amico, Gabriela
dc.contributor.authorJones, Dylan T
dc.contributor.authorNye, Emma
dc.contributor.authorSapienza, Karen
dc.contributor.authorRamjuan, Antoine R
dc.contributor.authorReynolds, Louise E
dc.contributor.authorRobinson, Stephen D
dc.contributor.authorKostourou, Vassiliki
dc.contributor.authorMartinez Garcia, Maria Dolores 
dc.contributor.authorAubyn, Deborah
dc.contributor.authorGrose, Richard
dc.contributor.authorThomas, Gareth J
dc.contributor.authorSpencer-Dene, Bradley
dc.contributor.authorZicha, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorDavies, Derek
dc.contributor.authorTybulewicz, Victor
dc.contributor.authorHodivala-Dilke, Kairbaan M
dc.identifier.citationDevelopment . 2009;136(23):4043-53.es_ES
dc.description.abstractSprouting angiogenesis and lymphatic-blood vessel segregation both involve the migration of endothelial cells, but the precise migratory molecules that govern the decision of blood vascular endothelial cells to segregate into lymphatic vasculature are unknown. Here, we deleted endothelial Rac1 in mice (Tie1-Cre(+);Rac1(fl/fl)) and revealed, unexpectedly, that whereas blood vessel morphology appeared normal, lymphatic-blood vessel separation was impaired, with corresponding edema, haemorrhage and embryonic lethality. Importantly, normal levels of Rac1 were essential for directed endothelial cell migratory responses to lymphatic-inductive signals. Our studies identify Rac1 as a crucial part of the migratory machinery required for endothelial cells to separate and form lymphatic vasculature.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipWe thank Dr Christiana Ruhrberg for assistance with the hindbrain model; Mitchel Germain for assistance with experiments; Garry Saunders, Colin Wren, Colin Pegrum, Claire Darnborough, Clare Watkins and Emma Murray for technical assistance with animals; Drs John Collard and Vania Braga for providing the GST-PAK-CRIB construct; Prof. Dietmar Vestweber for providing the endomucin antibody; Prof. Reinhard Fässler for providing Tie1-Cre mice; Prof. Kari Alitalo and Dr Tuomas Tammela for providing Vegfr3+/- mice; Takako Makita for technical advice on the India ink injections; and Prof. Peter Mortimer, Prof. Ian Hart and Prof. Tanya Petrova for their critical comments on the manuscript. G.D., E.N., A.R.R., S.D.R., L.E.R., V.K., K.S., D.M., D.A., B.S.-D., D.Z., D.D. and K.M.H.-D. were funded by Cancer Research UK. R.G. was funded by The Wellcome Trust. V.T. was funded by The Medical Research Council. D.T.J. was funded by Breast Cancer Campaign. G.T. was funded and by The Health Foundation, Royal College of Pathologists. Deposited in PMC for release after 6 months.es_ES
dc.publisherThe Company of Biologists es_ES
dc.subject.meshGene Expression Regulation, Developmental es_ES
dc.subject.meshAnimals es_ES
dc.subject.meshBlood Vessels es_ES
dc.subject.meshCell Separation es_ES
dc.subject.meshCells, Cultured es_ES
dc.subject.meshEmbryo, Mammalianes_ES
dc.subject.meshEndothelial Cells es_ES
dc.subject.meshEndothelium, Vascular es_ES
dc.subject.meshFluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct es_ES
dc.subject.meshFluorescent Dyes es_ES
dc.subject.meshGalactosides es_ES
dc.subject.meshGene Deletion es_ES
dc.subject.meshImmunohistochemistry es_ES
dc.subject.meshIndoles es_ES
dc.subject.meshLymphatic Vessels es_ES
dc.subject.meshMice es_ES
dc.subject.meshMice, Transgenic es_ES
dc.subject.meshNeovascularization, Physiologices_ES
dc.subject.meshRNA, Small Interfering es_ES
dc.subject.meshReceptor, TIE-2es_ES
dc.subject.meshTransfection es_ES
dc.subject.meshbeta-Galactosidase es_ES
dc.subject.meshrac1 GTP-Binding Protein es_ES
dc.titleRegulation of lymphatic-blood vessel separation by endothelial Rac1.es_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.licenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.contributor.funderWellcome Trust es_ES
dc.identifier.journalDevelopment (Cambridge, England)es_ES
dc.repisalud.orgCNIOCNIO::Unidades técnicas::Unidad de Citometría de Flujoes_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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