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Policy Analysis of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and its impact in Spain. Achievements and recommendations for the 2016-2020 period
Garcia Lizana, Francisca ISCIII
Date issued
Policy Analysis of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and its impact in Spain. Achievements and recommendations for the 2016-2020 period. Madrid; Institute of Health Carlos III, Health Technology Assessment Agency (AETS): 2018.
Document type
The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA) is the European Commission’s most ambitious initiative to support the transformation of health and care and for economic growth through innovation of this decade. The Strategic Implementation Plan describes the strategy to be carried out by different Action Groups (AG), Reference Sites and Health and Research Authorities. The strategy includes a Scalability Roadmap based on the replicability of innovative practices. Though the midterm evaluation recognises the strategy’s value, improvements in implementation and the development of synergies have been recommended.The general objective is to improve EIPonAHA implementation in Spain, ensuring the triple win. This overall objective is to be achieved through three specific objectives:1. Policy analysis and evaluation of the 2011 – 2015 period. 2. Improvement in efficiency and coordination amongst AGs of EIPonAHA partners, avoiding redundant work and potentially disparate outcomes. 3. Policy analysis of the EIPonAHA’s impact in Spain.
Table of contents
Acronyms. Executive summary. 1. Introduction 2. Foundation and hypothesis of the study 3. Objectives 4. Material and methods 5. Results 6. Discussion, limitations, conclusions. Bibliography. Annex 1: Spanish reference sites 2016. Annex 2: Results of the evaluation of the EIPonAHA