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  • Publication
    10 Simple Rules for Creating a Good Managment Plan [INFOGRAPHIC]
    (2020-05) Maseda, Irene
    A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that describes how you will treat your data during a project and what happens with the data after the project ends.
  • Publication
    10 pasos para elaborar un Plan de Gestión de Datos [INFOGRAFÍA]
    (2020-05) Maseda, Irene
    Un Plan de Gestión de Datos - PGD es un documento formal que debe presentarse al inicio de la investigación, en el cuál se esboza la gestión que se aplicará durante el ciclo de vida de los datos, desde su creación hasta la finalización del proyecto de investigación.
  • Publication
    2019. El servicio de documentación en cifras
    (2020-02) Maseda, Irene
    Memoria de actividades del Servicio de Documentación Científica del CNIC del año 2019
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2018
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2019) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    The CNIC’s mission is to discover the causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD), translate basic research discoveries into clinical practice, promote health in society, and foster training and mentoring of up-andcoming scientists and physicians. Over its relatively short existence, the CNIC has built an unrivalled infrastructure and a powerful, cross-disciplinary research base that embraces many disciplines and includes population and patient studies. A key factor in this achievement is the commitment of the Spanish government to building a flagship research institute to tackle the CVD epidemic. But the public purse is only part of the story. The CNIC also boasts an agile management structure that promotes training and the exchange of ideas and expertise, as well as a modern infrastructure of technical units and support services. Most importantly, the CNIC is supported through an innovative public–private initiative financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Pro CNIC Foundation. In 2018, the Pro CNIC Foundation renewed its commitment to the CNIC for a further 10 years. The CNIC has been a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence program since the inaugural awards in 2012. The most recent award was mainly used to fund seven intramural projects in a competitive call aimed at fostering collaborative projects between basic and clinical research groups. The CNIC is also a member of the alliance of Severo Ochoa Centers and María de Maeztu Units (SOMMa). The CNIC also benefits from the external support and advice of its Scientific Advisory Board, composed of leading international experts who provide guidance on strategy and recruitment and regularly evaluate the performance of the Center and its group leaders. In 2018, José Javier Fuster and Carlos Pérez Medina joined the Center as Assistant Professor and Assistant Health Scientist, respectively.
  • Publication
    CNIC PULSE otoño'13
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2013) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; Manzanares, Miguel (Redactor jefe); Torres, Miguel (Comité editorial); Redondo, Julia (Comité editorial); Iriberri, Ainhoa (Redacción); Lois, Fátima (Edición de contenidos); Bartlett, Simon (Edición de contenidos)
    En estos tiempos adversos me gustaría señalar que la Actividad Científica no es solo motor de la calidad y productividad de nuestra Sociedad, sino también un modelo de rigor, esfuerzo y honestidad muy importante para establecer un mejor futuro. En esta newsletter, que no podía tener un título más adecuado, tomaremos el pulso a lo que se hace en el CNIC; nuestra aportación a esta gran empresa que es la Ciencia y cómo la aplicamos en beneficio de las personas. Insistiremos en aquello que más se ve, cuyo mejor ejemplo son las publicaciones en las mejores revistas científicas y en lo que no se ve tanto, como la consecución de importantes fondos para nuestra investigación o la amplia labor que desplegamos en la formación de nuevas generaciones de científicos. Este primer número está cargado de buenas noticias. En INSIDE SCIENCE, os contamos nuevos hallazgos de gran impacto que darán mucho que hablar en la comunidad científica. En primavera, Toño Enríquez y su equipo redefinían el modelo clásico de la mitocondria, un cambio que tendrá impacto hasta en los libros de texto. Lo hacían en Science, revista que no requiere de presentación. Pero poco después, eran Miguel Torres y Cristina Clavería los que volvían a dar la campanada, con un trabajo publicado on line en Nature que los responsables de la publicación decidieron destacar en portada en la edición impresa. El tercer estudio, que pudimos leer en Circulation, es un caso paradigmático de éxito en la investigación traslacional española. No hay más que ver el interés con el que lo acogieron los medios de comunicación. De nuevo, es un hallazgo que cambiará el curso de las cosas, un objetivo al que siempre ha de aspirar la ciencia. En la sección TRAIN2GAIN, contamos con casos prácticos algunos de nuestros programas de formación. Tanto la Fundación Pro CNIC como yo llevamos muy a gala estos programas, porque creemos que en ellos está el futuro de la lucha contra la enfermedad cardiovascular. Hay más secciones, que esperemos que disfrutéis; enWHAT¹S ON entrevistaremos a personas relevantes del mundo científico que visitan el CNIC y nos enriquecen con su experiencia; en CNIC&SOCIETY contaremos nuestras iniciativas en la organización de actos para divulgar la Ciencia en la Sociedad. La vocación de nuestro centro es todo menos encerrarnos en nuestro edificio y esperamos que esta newsletter sirva para hacerlo evidente y estimular la participación del lector en esta aventura de la Ciencia.
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2008
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2009) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    With the publication of this CNIC Scientific Report for 2008, it seems appropriate first to reflect on the progress made at the Centre in the three years of my association with it. The CNIC was created to be the nexus of an expanded Spanish contribution to cardiovascular research and to play a leading role in the application of research results in clinical practice, both nationally and internationally. This prioritization of translational research is reflected in the Centre’s organization, defined in 2006, in which three basic research departments—Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Cardiovascular Developmental Biology and Regenerative Cardiology—are complemented by three with a more directly clinical orientation—Atherothrombosis and Imaging, Epidemiology and Translational Research. The creation of these departments saw the recruitment of new staff, including at the most senior level, doubling the number of researchers and laying the foundation for the future growth of the Centre [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2009
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2010) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    The last year has been a crucial and exciting period in the growth of the CNIC. Almost 100 new staff joined the Center in 2009, bringing the total personnel from 227 to 319. This growth included the establishment of leading research groups in the departments of Epidemiology (José María Ordovás), Developmental Biology (José Luis de la Pompa and Ignacio Flores), Regenerative Cardiology (José Antonio Enríquez) and Atherothrombosis & Imaging (Vicente Andrés, Borja Ibañez and Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero). In addition to these senior groups, three talented young researchers joined the Center as junior group leaders: Enrique Lara-Pezzi (Developmental Biology), David Sancho Madrid (Vascular Biology and Inflammation) and Beatriz González Gálvez (Regenerative Cardiology). [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2010
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2011) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    The CNIC exists to generate new knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and to work to translate that knowledge into improved health outcomes for patients. Making this bold vision a reality requires an exquisitely coordinated effort involving not just our teams of basic and clinical researchers, but also a comprehensive support network that includes specialists with dedicated expertise in maintaining and adapting the Center’s infrastructure, securing finance, generating and perfecting specialized reagents, providing tailored training programs, pioneering the development of new technologies, and a host of other strategic and scientific activities. Much of the work of the early phase of the CNIC project was concerned with putting these diverse elements in place, but now, with staffing levels approaching two-thirds of full capacity, and after several years in which this network has underpinned strong and continued growth in the Center’s scientific productivity, it is clear that it is no longer appropriate to talk of a new institution, and that we are now entering a period of consolidation and maturement. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2011
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2012) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    The history of our young center has been dominated by our effort to install infrastructure and consolidate the base for our future development. In recent years we have seen the fruits of this effort in our ever stronger publication record, the organization of important clinical studies and the recruitment of top flight researchers. A key to our success is the social commitment from the private sector through the ProCNIC Foundation. The additional support for the Center from this public-private partnership liberates our ambition to aim for excellence, and provides us with invaluable business and organizational expertise. Looking at the achievements of 2011, no one could doubt that the CNIC now ranks as one of the leading biomedical research centers on the world stage. In a year filled with important landmarks for the CNIC, the crowning achievement was undoubtedly receiving the Premio Severo Ochoa in November. The Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence Program is a new government initiative that celebrates and rewards world-class excellence in Spanish research. The CNIC is one of eight garlanded centers, including Life and non Life Sciences centers, chosen from a cohort of seventy-five applicants in a highly competitive selection procedure. Twenty-two shortlisted candidates were assessed by panels of international experts led by nobel laureates in their respective fields. The Life Sciences and Medicine panel, chaired by Robert Huber of the Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, selected the CNIC among just three research institutes in this area. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2012
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2013) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    One of the CNIC’s most important goals in these times of recession is to secure and maintain long term financial support. In June 2012, the Ministry for Economic Affairs and the consortium of private companies in the Pro-CNIC Foundation renewed their commitment to the CNIC. This unique public-private joint initiative is allowing our center to maintain the pioneering drive that resulted in our accreditation as a Severo Ochoa’s Center of Excellence in 2011, one of only eight institutes to receive this award in its inaugural year. During 2012 the CNIC has been intensively seeking competitive external research funding, presenting more than 34 applications to the 7th European Union Framework Programme and 17 applications to other international agencies (NIH, Leducq Foundation, etc.). The Center also secured financing from the Spanish Company Fina Biotech to study genetic risk markers of restenosis after coronary stent implantation. The continuing support for the CNIC from the public and private sectors is based on the strength of our programs in basic and translational research and our innovative training programs aimed at identifying and supporting talent and cementing long term collaboration between basic researchers and clinicians. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2013
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2014) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    One of the most enjoyable aspects of 2013 was to witness the growing list of new CNIC articles making waves in top flight journals. And it was especially pleasing to see that while some of the hard hitters came from senior researchers, others were the work of groups led by younger investigators who have established their groups at the CNIC over the last few years. It is also wonderful to witness the comprehensive scope of these publications, which span the arc of the CNIC’s activity. We had articles investigating fundamental cellular processes—in energy metabolism (José Antonio Enriquez), the self-selection of the fittest cells early in embryonic development (Miguel Torres), and intercellular communication via the transfer of nanovesicle-encapsulated regulatory RNA molecules (Francisco Sánchez-Madrid). Meanwhile, other studies generated knowledge of developmental and physiological processes more directly related to cardiovascular disease, for example the role of heartbeat in the generation of the epicardial layer that envelops the heart (Nadia Mercader) or the role of diurnal cycles in regulating hematopoietic stem cell activity (Andrés Hidalgo). Studies with a more explicit clinical orientation included the identification of potential new avenues toward the treatment of atherosclerosis (Juan Miguel Redondo), Progeria aging disease (Vicente Andrés) and heritable cardiomyopathy (José Luis de la Pompa). Among studies with immediate clinical implications, a highlight was the first data from the METOCARD trial, led by Borja Ibañez and Valentín Fuster. The results, published in October, reveal an astounding ability to limit infarct size simply by administering a cheap off-the-shelf drug during transit of a heart attack patient to hospital. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2014
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2015) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    Over the past few years the CNIC has established itself as a center of research excellence in the international scientific arena through its scientific productivity and its innovative organizational and funding pattern. The CNIC’s impressive record is built on our diverse activities, which in addition to a dynamic research base include training programs, technological innovation and partnerships with the healthcare sector and industry. Our success is also the fruit of an open institutional environment that brings together investigators from diverse disciplines to work together to achieve the Center’s goals through innovation, efficiency, cooperation and enthusiasm. The CNIC’s management structure was praised as a model for other Spanish enterprises last June when Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy attended the annual governing council meeting of the Pro-CNIC Foundation, the panel of private companies whose continued support is so vital. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2015
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2016) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    A research center, like any other institution, needs to rejuvenate its internal organization as it matures. One of the CNIC’s great strengths is its promotion of open and fluid interactions between clinical and basic researchers. To ensure that this flexibility continues and deepens, at the beginning of 2015 the Center dispensed with the old linear organization into research departments. In its place, CNIC research is now coordinated by two research directors, Borja Ibañez directing Clinical Research and Vicente Andrés Basic Research. Within this framework, research is broadly organized into three Research Areas (Vascular Pathophysiology, Myocardial Pathophysiology, and Cell & Developmental Biology), each bringing groups with a more clinical focus together with others oriented more toward basic research. The goal of this reorganization is to potentiate translational interactions between researchers with complementary skills and knowhow. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2016
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2017) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    Critical evaluation is at the heart of science and medicine, and at the CNIC we pay keen attention to all available indicators that track our quality. One of the key measures is the periodic quality audit by the Scientific Advisory Board. This external body provides detailed appraisal and guidance to help us maintain our focus on excellence in research that delivers real benefits to society. In last year’s evaluation, the SAB members congratulated the CNIC on an impressive research program that again brought success in teaching, securing external funding, and publishing in high-ranking journals, with knock-on effects on science and medicine at large. The SAB feels that the CNIC puts Spain in the front row of cardiovascular research and stands as a model of the successful melding of basic and translational research. [...]
  • Publication
    Scientific Report 2017
    (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) (España), 2018) Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
    The CNIC’s mission is to discover the causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD), translate basic research discoveries into clinical practice, promote health in society, and foster training and mentoring of up-and-coming scientists and physicians. Over its relatively short existence, the CNIC has built an unrivalled infrastructure and a powerful, crossdisciplinary research base that embraces multiple disciplines and includes population and patient studies. One of the keys to this achievement is the commitment of the Spanish government to building a flagship research institute to tackle the CVD epidemic. However, the public purse is only part of the story. The CNIC also boasts an agile management structure that promotes training and the exchange of ideas and expertise, as well as an unrivalled modern infrastructure of technical units and support services. Most importantly, the CNIC is funded through an innovative enterprise between the public sector and a private partner, the Pro-CNIC Foundation, which injects not only added financial security but also the wide-ranging business and management expertise of some of the most prominent Spanish businesses. The CNIC also benefits from the external support and advice of its Scientific Advisory Board, composed of leading international experts who provide guidance on strategy and recruitment and regularly evaluate the CNIC’s performance. [...]