Julià, AntonioLópez-Longo, Francisco JavierPérez Venegas, José JBonàs-Guarch, SilviaOlivé, ÀlexAndreu, José LuísAguirre-Zamorano, Mª ÁngelesVela, PalomaNolla, Joan Mde la Fuente, José Luís MarencoZea, AntonioPego-Reigosa, José MaríaFreire, MercedesDíez, ElviraRodríguez-Almaraz, EstherCarreira, PatriciaBlanco, RicardoTaboada, Víctor MartínezLópez-Lasanta, MaríaCorbeto, Mireia LópezMercader, Josep MTorrents, DavidAbsher, DevinMarsal, SaraFernández-Nebro, Antonio2024-02-082024-02-082018-05-30http://hdl.handle.net/10668/12520http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12105/17600Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a common systemic autoimmune disease with a complex genetic inheritance. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have significantly increased the number of significant loci associated with SLE risk. To date, however, established loci account for less than 30% of the disease heritability and additional risk variants have yet to be identified. Here we performed a GWAS followed by a meta-analysis to identify new genome-wide significant loci for SLE. We genotyped a cohort of 907 patients with SLE (cases) and 1524 healthy controls from Spain and performed imputation using the 1000 Genomes reference data. We tested for association using logistic regression with correction for the principal components of variation. Meta-analysis of the association results was subsequently performed on 7,110,321 variants using genetic data from a large cohort of 4036 patients with SLE and 6959 controls of Northern European ancestry. Genetic association was also tested at the pathway level after removing the effect of known risk loci using PASCAL software. We identified five new loci associated with SLE at the genome-wide level of significance (p  Our results identify five novel loci for SLE susceptibility, and biologic pathways associated via multiple low-effect-size loci.engVoRBiological pathway analysisGenetic susceptibilityGenome-wide association studyMeta-analysisSystemic lupus erythematosusCohort StudiesGenetic LociGenetic VariationGenome-Wide Association StudyHumansLupus Erythematosus, SystemicGenome-wide association study meta-analysis identifies five new loci for systemic lupus erythematosus.Attribution 4.0 International2984836020110010.1186/s13075-018-1604-11478-6362Arthritis research & therapyopen access