Luque Fernandez, Miguel AngelGalmés Truyols, AHerrera Guibert, DionisioArbona Cerdá, GSancho Gayá, F2020-02-032020-02-032008-12-18Euro Surveill. 2008 Dec 18;13(51). pii: 19070. outbreak of acute gastroenteritis occurred in a nursing home for elderly in Majorca between 4 and 23 February 2008. To know its aetiology and mechanism of transmission a retrospective cohort study was conducted with a fixed cohort including 146 people (96 residents and 50 employees). The data were collected from clinical histories and through a survey by questionnaire. In total 71 cases were identified (53 residents, 18 employees), corresponding to an overall attack rate (AR) of 48.6%.engVoRAgedCohort study of an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis in a nursing home for elderly, Majorca, Spain, February 2008Atribución 4.0 Internacional19094913135110.2807/ese.13.51.19070-en1560-7917Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletinopen access