A measles outbreak in children under 15 months of age in La Rioja, Spain, 2005-2006

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Perucha, M
Ramalle-Gómara, E
Lezaun, M E
Blanco, A
Quiñones, C
Gonzalez, M A
Cuesta, C
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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
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This paper describes a measles outbreak in La Rioja, Spain, which began in December 2005 and mainly affected children under 15 months of age who were not yet immunised with MMR vaccine. The measles cases were detected by the mandatory reporting system, under which laboratories must report every confirmed measles case. Cases were classified in accordance with the National Measles Elimination Plan: suspected and laboratory-confirmed. In the period 14 December 2005 to 19 February 2006, 29 suspected cases of measles were investigated, and 18 were confirmed. The mean incubation period was 13.8 days (range: 9 to 18). Of the 18 confirmed cases, only two were in adults. MMR vaccination was recommended for all household contacts, as well as for children aged 6 to 14 months who attended the daycare centres where the cases had appeared. At these centres, the second dose of MMR was administered ahead of schedule for children under three years of age. It was recommended that the first dose of MMR vaccine be administered ahead of schedule for all children aged 9 to 14 months. During an outbreak of measles, children aged 6 months or older, who have not previously been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella, should receive a first dose as soon as possible, and those who have had a first dose should receive a second dose as soon as possible, provided that a minimum of one month has elapsed between the two doses.
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Bibliographic citation
Euro Surveill. 2006 Oct;11(10):3-4.
Document type