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Now showing items 21-39 of 39
Oncogenic dependence of glioma cells on kish/TMEM167A regulation of vesicular trafficking
Open access editorial policies of SciELO health sciences journals
La publicidad alimentaria dirigida a menores en España
Publicidad alimentaria y salud. Estado de la situación en España
Rationale and design of the pragmatic clinical trial tREatment with Beta-blockers after myOcardial infarction withOut reduced ejection fracTion (REBOOT).
Residential proximity to environmental pollution sources and risk of rare tumors in children
Residential proximity to industrial pollution and mammographic density
Responses to Comments on Assessment of Polarization Dependence of Body Shadow Effect on Dosimetry Measurements in the 2.4 GHz Band
Risk of gastric cancer in the environs of industrial facilities in the MCC-Spain study
RNase R Controls Membrane Fatty Acid Composition in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Role Of Viral Coinfections In Asthma Development In Children With Severe Bronchiolitis In Early Childhood
Small extracellular vesicles but not microvesicles from Opisthorchis viverrini promote cell proliferation in human cholangiocytes
Social engagement within the facility increased life expectancy in nursing home residents
Transcriptional regulation of human CYP3A4 basal expression by CCAAT enhancer-binding protein alpha and hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 gamma.
Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers [Pre-print]
Unravelling the complexity of the extracellular vesicle landscape with advanced proteomics
Urinary Metal Levels and Coronary Artery Calcification: Longitudinal Evidence in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Usefulness of seminested multiplex PCR in surveillance of imported malaria in Spain
Vascular co-option in brain metastasis.