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Oxidative and inflammatory effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with bronchiectasis. A prospective, randomized study
Olveira, Casilda | García-Escobar, Eva | Doña, Esperanza | Palenque, Francisco J. | Porras, Nuria | Dorado, Antonio | Godoy, Ana M. | Rubio-Martín, Elehazara | Bermúdez-Silva, Francisco J. | Romero-Zerbo, Silvana Y. | Rojo-Martínez, Gemma | Martín-Valero, Rocío | Abuín Fernández, José | Olveira, Gabriel
Date issued
Document type
research article
Introducción: la inflamación sistémica y el estrés oxidativo son factores importantes en la patogénesis de la bronquiectasia. La rehabilitación pulmonar (PR) está recomendada en los sujetos con bronquiectasias, pero no hay datos sobre sus posibles efectos sobre el estado inflamatorio y REDOX de estos pacientes. Objetivos: investigar el efecto de la PR en pacientes con bronquiectasias no asociadas a fibrosis quística (NCFB) sobre los biomarcadores oxidativos e inflamatorios, y compararlo con los efectos de la PR junto con la suplementación oral de un suplemento hiperproteico (PRS) enriquecido con beta-hidroxi-beta-metilbutirato (HMB). Material y métodos: ensayo clínico abierto, aleatorizado y controlado. Treinta pacientes (de 65 años o menos con un índice de masa corporal por encima de 18,5, y mayores de 65 años con un índice de masa corporal de más de 20) se aleatorizaron para recibir PR o PRS. Los niveles circulantes de neutrófilos totales y los de biomarcadores de estado inflamatorio y oxidativo se determinaron al inicio del estudio y a los 3 y 6 meses. Resultados: los niveles de neutrófilos en el grupo de PRS se redujeron desde el inicio a los 6 meses, presentando una tasa de cambio significativamente diferente según el tratamiento. En el grupo de PR, la IL-6 y la adiponectina aumentaron al final del estudio, mientras que los niveles de TNFα disminuyeron desde el inicio a los 6 meses. Los biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo se mantuvieron estables durante todo el estudio excepto por los niveles de 8-isoprostano, que aumentaron desde el inicio a los 6 meses en ambos grupos de pacientes. Conclusión: el programa de PR indujo un efecto pro-oxidativo acompañado de cambios en los niveles de citoquinas inflamatorias circulantes en pacientes con NCFB. Nuestros resultados también sugieren un posible efecto beneficioso del suplemento nutricional sobre la regulación de los niveles de neutrófilos de estos pacientes. Background: systemic inflammation and oxidative stress are important factors in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is recommended for bronchiectasis, but there is no data about its effect on the inflammatory and REDOX status of these patients. Aims: to investigate the effect of PR in non-cystic-fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) patients, and to compare it with the effect of PR plus a hyperproteic oral nutritional supplement (PRS) enriched with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on serum inflammatory and oxidative biomarkers. Materials and methods: this was an open randomized, controlled trial. Thirty individuals (65 years old or younger with a body mass index over 18.5, older than 65 years with a body mass index over 20) were recruited from September 2013 to September 2014, and randomly assigned to receive PR or PRS. Total neutrophils, and inflammatory and oxidative biomarker levels were measured at baseline, and then at 3 and 6 months. Results: in the PRS group neutrophil levels were decreased from baseline at 6 months. A significantly different fold change was found between the PR and PRS groups. In the PR group, IL-6 and adiponectin were increased by the end of the study while TNFα levels were decreased from baseline at 6 months. REDOX biomarkers remained stable throughout the study except for 8-isoprostane levels, which were increased from baseline at 6 months in both groups of patients. Conclusion: a PR program induced a pro-oxidative effect accompanied by changes in circulating inflammatory cytokine levels in NCFB patients. Our results would also suggest a possible beneficial effect of the HMB enriched supplement on neutrophil level regulation in these patients. The information provided in this study could be useful for choosing the right therapeutic approach in the management of bronchiectasis.
Bronchiectasis | Pulmonary rehabilitation | HMB (beta-hydroxy-betamethylbutyrate) | Oxidative stress | Cytokines | Bronquiectasias | Rehabilitación pulmonar | HMB (beta-hidroxi-betametilbutirato) | Estrés oxidativo | Citoquinas
Adiponectin | Adult | Aged | Aged, 80 and over | Biomarkers, Pharmacological | Body Mass Index | Bronchiectasis | C-Reactive Protein | Combined Modality Therapy | Diet, Mediterranean | Dietary Proteins | Dinoprost | Female | Humans | Inflammation | Interleukin-6 | Leukocyte Count | Male | Middle Aged | Neutrophils | Oxidation-Reduction | Prospective Studies | Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha | Valerates | Young Adult | Dietary Supplements | Nutritional Support | Oxidative Stress | Respiratory Therapy
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