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Evolución de la mortalidad atribuible al alcohol en España según edad, sexo, causa de muerte y tipo de bebedor (2001-2017) 

[ES] En España no hay estimaciones recientes de la mortalidad atribuible a alcohol con datos de consumo de alcohol españoles. El objetivo es estimarla y conocer la evolución entre 2001 y 2017 en personas ≥15 años, según sexo, edad, periodo, causa de muerte y tipo de bebedor. Se utilizó el enfoque c...

IV Jornada Programa de Mentores del ISCIII 

El lunes 24 de octubre de 2022 se celebró la IV Jornada del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII, como una nueva edición dentro del ciclo de Jornadas del Programa que se han realizado anteriormente en abril y octubre de 2021 y en abril 2022y que se pretende seguir llevando a cabo del mismo modo mediante...

II Jornada de seminarios transversales 

La II Jornada de Seminarios Transversales se desarrollaron el 19 y 20 de septiembre de 2022. Lucía Pérez Álvarez, coordinadora del Programa de Mentores, presentó el programa de las jornadas donde se trataron los siguientes temas: Ciencia traslacional; Salidas laborales tras la obtención del título ...

Programa de Mentores ISCIII. Publicaciones de los mentorizados 

Listado de publicaciones de los alumnos del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII.

Effectiveness of mRNA vaccine boosters against infection with the SARS-CoV-2 omicron (B.1.1.529) variant in Spain: a nationwide cohort study 

Background: The omicron (B.1.1.529) variant of SARS-CoV-2 has increased capacity to elude immunity and cause breakthrough infections. The aim of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of mRNA-based vaccine boosters (third dose) against infection with the omicron variant by age, sex, time sinc...

CD44 In Sarcomas: A Comprehensive Review and Future Perspectives 

It is widely accepted that the tumor microenvironment, particularly the extracellular matrix, plays an essential role in the development of tumors through the interaction with specific protein-membrane receptors. One of the most relevant proteins in this context is the transmembrane protein CD44. T...

Mortalidad atribuible al alcohol en España 2001-2017. Metodología y resultados 

Introducción: La estimación de la mortalidad atribuible a alcohol en la población es un componente esencial a la hora de conocer el impacto global del alcohol sobre el bienestar humano, y puede utilizarse para determinar prioridades, asignar recursos en salud pública y evaluar las políticas relacio...

Phage‐Derived and Aberrant HaloTag Peptides Immobilized on Magnetic Microbeads for Amperometric Biosensing of Serum Autoantibodies and Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis 

An electrochemical biosensing platform for serum autoantibodies (AAbs) detection is reported in this work, exploiting for the first time six Alzheimer's disease (AD)-specific phage-derived and frameshift aberrant HaloTag peptides as receptors, immobilized on magnetic microbeads (MBs) surface and ca...

Multiplexed Biosensing Diagnostic Platforms Detecting Autoantibodies to Tumor-Associated Antigens from Exosomes Released by CRC Cells and Tissue Samples Showed High Diagnostic Ability for Colorectal Cancer 

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The five-year survival rate of CRC patients depends on the stage at diagnosis, being higher than 80% when CRC is diagnosed in the early stages but lower than 10% when CRC is diagnosed in advanced stages. Autoanti...

Diagnostic Process in Rare Diseases: Determinants Associated with Diagnostic Delay 

Many people living with rare disease (RD) report a difficult diagnostic process from the symptom onset until they obtain the definitive diagnosis. The aim of this study was thus to ascertain the diagnostic process in RDs, and explore the determinants related with having to wait for more than one ye...

Educational Gradients in Drinking Amount and Heavy Episodic Drinking among Working-Age Men and Women in Spain 

Alcohol-related harm decreases as socioeconomic position increases, although sometimes the opposite happens with alcohol intake. The objective was to know the educational gradient in monthly measures of drinking amount and heavy episodic drinking (HED) among people aged 25-64 years in Spain from 19...

Cellular Heterogeneity and Cooperativity in Glioma Persister Cells Under Temozolomide Treatment 

We have observed a drug-tolerant/persister state in a human glioblastoma (GBM) cell line after exposure to temozolomide, the standard-of-care chemotherapeutic agent for GBM. We used a multicolor lentiviral genetic barcode labeling to follow cell population evolution during temozolomide treatment. W...

III Jornada Programa de Mentores del ISCIII 

La III Jornada del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII tuvo lugar el día 25 de abril de 2022. La jornada fue inaugurada por Miguel Calero Lara, Subdirector General de Servicios Aplicados, Formación e Investigación y presentadas por Lucía Pérez Álvarez, Coordinadora del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII.

II Jornada Programa de mentores del ISCIII 

La II Jornada del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII tuvo lugar el día 19 de octubre de 2021. Las jornadas fueron inauguradas por Miguel Calero Lara, Subdirector General de Servicios Aplicados, Formación e Investigación y presentadas por Lucía Pérez Álvarez Coordinadora del Programa de Mentores del IS...

I Jornada Programa de Mentores del ISCIII 

La I Jornada del Programa de Mentores del ISCIII tuvo lugar los días 19 y 20 de abril de 2021. Las jornadas fueron inauguradas por Raquel Yotti Álvarez, directora del ISCIII y presentadas por Lucía Pérez Álvarez, Coordinadora de Programa de la Subdirección General de Servicios Aplicados, Formació...

I Jornada de seminarios transversales 

Estás primeras jornadas se desarrollaron el 23 y 24 de mayo de 2022. Lucía Pérez, coordinadora del Progrma de Mentores, presentó el programa de las jornadas donde se trataron los siguientes temas: Consejos para la publicación científica (Ignacio Pérez de Castro (IIER), Mª José Buitrago (CNM), David...

Metodología utilizada para estimar la mortalidad atribuible a alcohol en España, 2001-2017 

[ES] El objetivo es describir y discutir los métodos y asunciones para estimar la mortalidad atribuible a alcohol en España en 2001-2017. Se estimó el nº medio anual de muertes atribuibles a alcohol (MAAs) basándose en 19 grupos de causas de muerte relacionadas con alcohol (18 parcialmente atribuib...

Effects of local factors on adaptation to heat in Spain (1983-2018) 

The European Union is currently immersed in policy development to address the effects of climate change around the world. Key plans and processes for facilitating adaptation to high temperatures and for reducing the adverse effects on health are among the most urgent measures. Therefore, it is nece...

Transgenesis in parasitic helminths: a brief history and prospects for the future 

Helminth infections impact the health of hundreds of millions of persons globally and also cause important economic losses in livestock farming. Methodological limitations as well as the low attention given to the study of helminths have impacted biological research and, thus, the procurement of ac...

RedLabRA; a Spanish Network of Microbiology Laboratories for the Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms 

There is an urgent need to control the clinical and public health impact that antibiotic resistance (AR) causes worldwide. Any measure for its control must be based on an up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the situation. However, it is difficult to determine the current dimension of AR becau...