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dc.contributor.authorParedes Rizo, Mª Luisa
dc.identifier.citationMed Segur Trab 2018 ; Vol.64 Nº 251 ; 217-240es_ES
dc.descriptionCaso clínicoes_ES
dc.description.abstract[ES] Resultados: Se describe el caso clínico de una trabajadora de 45 años de edad, técnico de laboratorio en un hospital de referencia que tras el diagnóstico de hiperreactividad bronquial probablemente relacionado con la exposición a determinados reactivos comienza un periodo de incapacidad temporal con adaptaciones, cambios de puesto de trabajo y múltiples valoraciones por distintos especialistas hasta llegar al diagnóstico de SQM. Se analiza el informe médico de valoración y el expediente administrativo derivado de esta afección poniendo de manifiesto la dificultad que entraña la valoración de este tipo de patologías. Conclusión: Las peculiaridades del SQM en cuanto etiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento obligan a individualizar cada caso. La subjetividad que rodea el SQM lo convierte en una afección muy difícil de valorar. Uno de los grandes desafíos en la actualidad es continuar investigando para facilitar el abordaje multidisciplinar que requiere esta dolencia. [EN] Introduction: Pollution and exposure to chemical products has conditioned an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases not only explained by genetics or individual susceptibility. The Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an example of these conditions. It is an acquired, chronic disorder identified by recurrent symptoms in response to exposure to chemical compounds at concentrations that are not considered toxic for the general population. Its etiology is uncertain and multifactorial; its diagnosis is clinical and must be multidisciplinary approached. It is sometimes linked to occupational exposure, being unpredictable most of the times due to the diversity of the categories that may trigger it. Objective: The purpose of this work is to provide a general overview of this pathology with the aim of analize the situation derived from this condition reviewing a case of MCS. Methodology: Literature review of the MCS through the search of scientific literature in the month of September 2017 using the terms Mesh «Multiple Chemical Sensitivity». A clinical case with a MCS diagnosis linked to an occupational exposure is presented and the consequences of the condition are analyzed.Results: The clinical case of a 45-year-old female laboratory technician in a reference hospital is described. After the diagnosis of bronchial hyperreactivity, probably related to certain reagents exposure, she begins a period of temporary disability with adaptations, changes in workplace and several valuations by specialized doctors ending with the diagnosis of MCS. The analysis of the medical assessment report and administrative record highlights the difficulty to assess this type of pathologies. Conclusion: The peculiarities of MCS in terms of etiology, diagnosis and treatment make it necessary to individualize each single case. The subjectivity surrounding the SQM makes it a very difficult condition to assess. One of the great challenges nowadays is to continue researching to facilitate the multidisciplinary approach that this ailment requires.es_ES
dc.publisherInstituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo (ENMT) es_ES
dc.subjectMultiple Chemical Sensitivityes_ES
dc.subjectSíndrome químico múltiplees_ES
dc.subjectMultiple chemical syndromees_ES
dc.titleSensibilidad Química Múltiple: análisis de un caso registrado en un Hospital de referenciaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeMultiple Chemical Sensitivity: analysis of a case registered in a reference hospitalen
dc.title.alternativeMultiple Chemical Sensitivity: analysis of a case registered in a reference hospitales_ES
dc.typeresearch articlees_ES
dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*
dc.identifier.journalMedicina y Seguridad del Trabajoes_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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