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Valoración de la incapacidad del osteosarcoma en pacientes en edad laboral
Date issued
Med Segur Trab 2010; Vol.56 Nº 218;85-92
Document type
research article
[ES] Si bien los tumores óseos malignos son poco frecuentes, implican un mal pronóstico y requieren tratamientos muy agresivos que repercuten en la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados y desde luego también en su actividad laboral. De hecho, un alto porcentaje de pacientes finalmente obtienen una incapacidad permanente. De todos los tumores óseos malignos, destaca el osteosarcoma que constituye el 30-40% de los mismos. Con este trabajo se pretenden analizar los factores que el médico evaluador, adscrito a un equipo de valoración de incapacidades, debe considerar para delimitar si el paciente puede o no continuar con su actividad laboral tras el diagnóstico y tratamiento de un osteosarcoma. En dicha valoración funcional se deberían incluir los requerimientos profesionales recogidos en la guía de valoración profesional del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) y las escalas mas utilizadas actualmente para la valoración funcional. [EN] Though the malignant bone tumors are slightly frequent, they imply a poor prognosis and require aggressive treatments that affect the quality of life of patients and also in labour activity of course of course. In fact, a high percentage of patients finally obtain a permanent disability. Of all the malignant bone tumors, stands out the osteosarcoma that constitutes 30-40% of all of them. This work aims to analyze the factors that the medical assessor, assigned to a disability assessment team, should consider to define whether the patient may or may not continue its labour activity after the diagnosis and treatment of osteosarcoma. In the above mentioned functional assessment should include professional requirements (listed in the guide of professional assessment of Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) and the scales currently used for functional assessment. [En] Though the malignant bone tumors are slightly frequent, they imply a poor prognosis and require aggressive treatments that affect the quality of life of patients and also in labour activity of course of course. In fact, a high percentage of patients finally obtain a permanent disability. Of all the malignant bone tumors, stands out the osteosarcoma that constitutes 30-40% of all of them. This work aims to analyze the factors that the medical assessor, assigned to a disability assessment team, should consider to define whether the patient may or may not continue its labour activity after the diagnosis and treatment of osteosarcoma. In the above mentioned functional assessment should include professional requirements (listed in the guide of professional assessment of Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) and the scales currently used for functional assessment.
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