Proteomic analysis of two populations of Schistosoma mansoni-derived extracellular vesicles: 15k pellet and 120k pellet vesicles.

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Helminth parasites secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs) into their environment that have potential roles in host-parasite communication, and thus represent potentially useful targets for novel control strategies. Here, we carried out a comprehensive proteomic analysis of two different populations of EVs - 15k pellet and 120k pellet EVs - from Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. We characterised the proteins present in the membranes of the EVs (including external trypsin-liberated peptides, integral membrane proteins (IMPs) and peripheral membrane proteins (PMPs)), as well as cargo proteins, using LC-MS/MS. A total of 286 and 716 proteins were identified in 15k and 120k pellets, respectively. Some of the most abundant proteins identified from both 15k and 120k pellets include known vaccine candidates such as Sm-TSP-2, saponin B domain-containing proteins, calpain glutathione-S-transferase, Sm29 and cathepsin domain-containing proteins. Other abundant proteins that have not been tested as vaccines include DM9 domain-containing protein, 13 kDa tegumental antigen and histone H4-like protein. Sm23, a member of the tetraspanin family with known vaccine efficacy, was identified in the cargo and IMP compartments of only 15k pellet vesicles. Moreover, a collection of proteins with known or potential relevance in host-parasite communication including proteases, antioxidants and EV biogenesis/trafficking of both vesicle types were identified. Our results provide the first report of a comprehensive compartmental proteomic analysis of adult S. mansoni-derived EVs. Future research should investigate recombinant forms of these proteins as vaccine and serodiagnostic antigens as well as the roles of EV proteins in host-parasite communication.
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Mol Biochem Parasitol . 2020 Mar;236:111264.
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