Padrón-Monedero A, Pastor-Barriuso R, García-López FJ, Martínez-Martín P, Damián J. Falls and long-term survival among older adults residing in care homes. PLoS One 2020 Description ----------- Study data, STATA do-file, and R script to assess the association of falls with long-term, all-cause mortality among care home residents in Madrid, Spain Authors ------- Padrón-Monedero A National Center for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain Pastor-Barriuso R National Center for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain García-López FJ National Center for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain Martínez-Martín P National Center for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain Damián J National Center for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain List of files included in data package -------------------------------------- "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_Data.csv" (40 KB) "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_Stata_dofile.txt" (9 KB) "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_R_script.txt" (14 KB) File descriptions ----------------- "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_Data.csv" Study dataset (19 variables, 689 observations) in CSV format with variable names on the first line The variable names, labels, and codes are: id: Sequential study identification number peso: Sampling weights resid2: Sampling strata (1 public/subsidized facility, 2 private facility) cluster: Primary sampling units (facilities) seg: Follow-up time (years) dead: Status at the end of follow-up (0 alive, 1 dead) fall: Fall in previous month (0 no, 1 yes) fallcat: Fall severity (0 no, 1 non-severe, 2 severe) agecat: Age at baseline (0 65-74, 1 75-79, 2 80-84, 3 85-89, 4 >=90 years) sex: Sex (0 women, 1 men) factype: Type of facility (0 public, 1 subsidized, 2 private) dementia: Alzheimer or other dementias (0 no, 1 yes) ndisease: No. of diseases other than dementia ndiscat: No. of diseases other than dementia (0 0-1, 1 2-3, 2 >=4) antidep: Use of antidepressants (0 no, 1 yes) nmed: No. of medications other than antidepressants nmedcat: No. of medications other than antidepressants (0 0-2, 1 3-4, 2 >=5) ui: Urinary incontinence (0 no, 1 mild, 2 severe) funcdep: Functional status without continence (0 indep, 1 mild/mod, 2 sev/total) "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_Stata_dofile.txt" Annotated STATA do-file to perform statistical analysis "Padrón-Monedero_et_al_2020_Plos_One_Falls_and_mortality_in_older_residents_R_script.txt" Annotated R script to produce figures